Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Such Databases! Who Knew?

In exploring about on the library's website, as I have not had the chance to do with the busyness of Summer, I decided to check out the "Databases" link.  I knew that we had some really cool databases, but WOW!  I was not aware of some of them!  I am very excited, can you tell?  

I regularly "push" the ones I am most familiar with:  World Book (awesome!),  Tumblebooks (so fun!), and of course our online card catalog iBistro.  I was also aware of several of the others.  Byke language learning (yes you CAN learn a new language FREE!), Inspire, Reference USA......what's this?  Global Road Warrior?!?!  Cool!  Oh yeah, it is a very "Me" thing!  Want to know more about Chechnya or Djibouti?  Global Road Warrior can help.  There are even printable maps.  Got a school project, or just curious about the world in which you live?  Yeah, go there.  

How did I not know we had this?  I don't know.  Next up for exploring is A to Z Maps Online, also on our database list.  What can I say, I like maps.  These are not the only available databases, obviously, a full listing can be found on the Database list

One more thing I like:  our Digital Library.  Download e-books and audio books.  So 21st Century, don't you think?  I will always love a "real" book, but also appreciate options.  Thanks OCPL!

-Jennifer Frye
Youth Services

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