Friday, March 23, 2012

Upcoming Event

It was brought to my attention that I only write about books written for teens and younger.  That makes sense, as that is the department in which I work.  Also, this is the vast majority of what I read.  I challenge anyone who has never done so to read outside of their normal reading patterns.  I try to do that myself upon occasion as well, but as a representative of the Youth Services department, I mostly share the kids or YA books.  And they are some great books.

I feel that a great story is a great story and the only reason for labels are for younger people.  You don't want your average 2nd grader reading The Hunger Games, for example.  Adults should, in my opinion, read from whatever section of the library or bookstore that they want.  Author Maureen Johnson says it nicely in this video.

Speaking of authors, we have a few of them coming to our library in May.

These authors, all Indiana residents, are also all writers of Young Adult fiction. Their writing styles and backgrounds are as diverse as their books. I invite you to come and hear what they have to say, and maybe even read something new. Did I mention there will be refreshments?

~ Jennifer Frye
OCPL Youth Services Program Coordinator